
OpHeart is one heart family’s pledge to save the lives of babies like their daughter who are born with life-threatening heart defects.

Can you help us?

If you wish to make a recurring donation, please select a donation amount from the dropdown and then click the button below.

$5 / month Donations pay for our most needy projects – family support
$10 / month Pays for our Second Opinion Service (SOS) referral service*
$12 / month Funds our campaign to increase prenatal diagnosis of CHD and decrease the #1 cause of infant mortality
$18 / month Pays for training models for young surgeons (Dr. Jen Arnold’s project!)
$20 / month Funds the 3DHeart study so this life-saving technology is available to all children
$25 / month Funds our VR/AR applications for training and education of CHD
$30 / month Pays for housing for 1 month of housing for a CHD family traveling for treatment
$50 / month Supports the Go Small Innovation Fund, dedicated to getting pediatric medical devices to market
$100 / month Pays for a 3D-printed replica of a child’s heart so her surgeon can better plan for her surgery*

*Based on 12 monthly donations

In honor/memory of:

Or chip in what you can.

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