Congenital Heart Surgeons Society Conference 2016

Sunday, October 23rd, 2016

V1 Biventricular Root Replacement for Active Endocarditis Following Melody Valve Placement – A Surgical Challenge

Christopher J Knott-Craig MD, TK Susheel Kumar MD, Umar Boston MD.

Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, Memphis TN

V2 Repair Of Supra Valvar Aortic and Pulmonary Stenosis In A 2 Month Old

Graham Ungerleider MS IV, Yoshio Ootaki MD PhD, Michael Quartermain MD, Eduardo Goenaga-Diaz MD, Allison Welch PA-C, Ross Ungerleider MD MBA

Brenner Children’s Hospital, Winston Salem, NC

V3 Right Axillary Thoracotomy for Transatrial Repair of Congenital Heart Defects: VSD, Partial AV Canal With Mitral Cleft, PAPVR/Warden, Cor Triatriatum And ASD

Ali Dodge-Khatami, Jorge D. Salazar

Children’s Heart Center, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, USA

V4 Resection of Ventricular Fibroma Arising From the Interventricular Septum.

Shyamasundar Balasubramanya1, Tal Geva2, Pedro J. del Nido1.

1Department of Cardiac Surgery and 2Department of Cardiology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA

V5 Bicuspidization of a Quadricuspid Aortic Valve

Bouhout Ismail1, Ghoneim Aly1, Raboisson Marie-Josée2, El-Hamamsy Ismail1, Poirier Nancy1.

1Division of cardiac surgery, CHU Sainte Justine and Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 2Department of pediatric cardiology, CHU Sainte Justine, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada

V6 Surgical Management of Large Cardiac Fibromas

David M. Overman, Leah Zupancich, Francis X. Moga

The Children’s Heart Clinic, Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota

V7 Surgical Correction of Raghib Syndrome

Kunal Kotkar, Sameh M Said, Joseph A Dearani

Department of Cardiovascular surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, US

National Pediatric Cardiology Quality Improvement Collaborative (NPC-QIC): Overview and Update

Jeffrey Anderson, MD

Cincinnati, OH

Session II: Basic Science/Translational

(5 min video or talk and 10 min discussion)

~ John A. Hawkins Top Scoring Abstract Award ~

A1 Biomaterial-Free Cardiac Tissue Created From Human Induced Pluripotent Cells Using Bio-3D Printer

Chin Siang Ong1, Takuma Fukunishi1, Adriana Blazeski2, Huaitao Zhang1, Andrew R. L. Nashed1, Luca Vricella1, John Conte1, Leslie Tung2, Gordon F. Tomaselli3, Narutoshi Hibino1

1Division of Cardiac Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA; 3Division of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

A2 Development of A Miniature Implantable Continuous Flow Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device

Peter D. Wearden1,3, Trevor A. Snyder2, J. Ryan Stanfield2, Rich K. Wampler2, Dan Crompton3, Salim E. Olia3, Venkat Shankarraman3, Marina V. Kameneva3, William R. Wagner3, James W. Long2

1Nemours Children’s Hospital, Orlando, FL, 2VADovations, Inc., OKlahoma City, OK, 3University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

A3 The Link between Congenital Heart Defects and Fetal Growth Abnormalities: The Placenta?

Weston Troja1, Kathryn Owens1, Robert Hinton2, James Cnota2, David Louis Simon Morales2, Helen Jones1

1Department of Pediatric Surgery, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH; 2The Heart Institute, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

A4 Novel PGA Fiber Textile Technology and Immunomodulation with PGS Coating For Improved Neotissue Formation Of Small-Diameter Tissue Engineered Arterial Grafts

Takuma Fukunishi1, Huaitao Zhang1, Chin Siang Ong1, Andrew Nashed1, Jochen Steppan2, Lakshmi Santhanam2, Dan Berkowitz2, Steven Lu3, Luca Vricella1, Narutoshi Hibino1*

1. Division of Cardiac Surgery, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA 2. Division of Adult Anesthesiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA 3. The Secant Group, LLC, Telford, PA, USA

Pizza Dinner & Poster Session

P1 Current Results Of Multistage Single Ventricle Palliation Of Patients With Double Inlet Left Ventricle

Bahaaldin Alsoufi, Brian Kogon, Subhadra Shashidharan, Kirk Kanter

Emory University School of Medicine

P2 Ventricular Dominance And Outcomes After The Extracardiac Fontan

Caroline West1, Timothy Maul2, Brian Feingold3, Victor Morell3

1University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2Nemours Children’s Hospital, Orlando, Florida 3Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

P3 Results After Tetralogy Of Fallot/Complete Atrioventricular Canal Repair

Elizabeth H. Stephens, 1 Jennifer Tingo, 2 Marc Najjar, 1 Betul Yilmaz,3 Stéphanie Levasseur,4 Ralph S. Mosca,5 Paul Chai, 1 Jan Quaegebeur, 1 Emile A. Bacha, 1

1Division of Cardiac, Thoracic, and Vascular Surgery, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York 2Division of Cardiology, St. Christopher’s, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 3Division of Cardiology, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, Texas 4Division of Cardiology, Columbia

University Medical Center, New York, New York 5Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, New York University, New York, New York

P4 Norwood Operation With Primary Cavopulmonary Shunt In Univentricular Hearts With High Flow Unrestricted Pulmonary Blood Flow

Osman O. Al-Radi, FRCSC

King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

P5 Giving New Insights Into The Rastelli Procedure

Mohammed Al-Jughiman. Maryam Al-Omair

Prince Sultan Cardiac Center, Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia

P6 Glutaraldehyde Treatment Of Homograft Patches Potentially Increases The Risk Of Re-coarctation Post Norwood: A Cohort Study

Billie-Jean Martin, Michael Kaestner, Anne Halpin, Ingrid Larsen, David B Ross, Lori West, Ivan M Rebeyka

University of Alberta, Stollery Children’s Hospital

P7 Is Earlier Surgery Better For Pulmonary Valve Replacement In Patients With Repaired Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction?

Ajinkya Anil Rane, MD1., Xiaojie Huang, md. 1, Jeevanantham Rajeswaran2,Eugene H. Blackstone MD. 2, Gosta PetterssonMD. 1

1Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, OH; 2Quantitative Health Sciences, Cleveland Clinic, OH

P8 Improved Ventriculo-Arterial Coupling In Patients With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome After Superior Cavopulmonary Connection

Giovanni Biglino1, 2, Catriona Baker2,3, Sachin Khambadkone2, Silvia Schievano2,3, Andrew M. Taylor2,3, Tain-Yen Hsia2

1Bristol Heart Institute, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK; 2Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK; 3UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science, University College London, London, UK

P9 Brom (Multisinus) Aortoplasty For Supravalvar Aortic Stenosis

Michael C. Mongé, 1,4 Carl L. Backer1,4 Osama Eltayeb, 1,4 Joyce T. Johnson, 2,5 Andrada R. Popescu,3,6, Cynthia K. Rigsby,3,5,6 and John M. Costello2,5

1Divisions of Cardiovascular-Thoracic Surgery, 2Cardiology, 3Medical Imaging, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, and 4Departments of Surgery, 5Pediatrics, and 6Radiology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois

P10 ECM-Valved-Conduit Durability Compared To Aortic Valve Allografts in Children Less Than 2 Years of Age

Patrick I. McConnell, Shaylyn Bennet, Mark E. Galantowicz

Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio

Session III: Abstracts

(5 min video or talk and 10 min discussion

A5 Advanced Imaging Effectively Discriminates Vascular Ring Morphology

Julian E Cameron, David Mauchley, Brian Fonseca, James Jaggers

University of Colorado, Childrens Hospital of Colorado, Aurora CO US.

A6 Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Associated with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

Kaitlin Balduf MD, TK Susheel Kumar MD, Umar Boston MD, Shyam Suthanandum MD, Christopher J Knott-Craig MD

Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, Memphis TN.

A7 Diaphragmatic Fenestration for Refractory Chylous Effusion Following Congenital

Kaitlin Balduf1, TK Susheel Kumar1, Umar Boston1, Christopher Knott-Craig1

1 Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Memphis, TN

A8 Bovine Jugular Vein Conduit: A 17 Year Institutional Review

Parth M. Patel1, Corinne Tan2, John W. Brown1, Mark D Rodefeld1, Mark W Turrentine1

1Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN; 2Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX

A9 Rationale for Development of A pulmonary Vein Stenosis (PVS) Clinical Surveillance Protocol (CSP) And Establishing a PVS Collaborative Network

Rachel D Vanderlaan 1, Lars Grosse-Wortmann 1, Richard Ohye 2, Adam Dorfman 2, Andrew Redington 3, Russel Hirsch 3, David Overman 4, Jonathan Rome 5, William Gaynor 5, Christopher A Caldarone 1

1 Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto;2 C.S Motts Children’s Hospital, Michigan;3 Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati 4 Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota, Minnesota;5Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia

A10 Three versus Two Leaflet Repair of Unicuspid Aortic Valves Using Decellularized Bovine Pericardium

Patrick I McConnell, MD

Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Monday, October 24th, 2016

Scientific Session V: CHSS Data Center Report

Moderator: William G. Williams, MD

Scientific Session VI

(5 min talk and 10 min discussion)

A17 Use Of A Berlin Heart EXCOR® Device As A bridge To Heart Transplant In Single Ventricle Anatomy Prior To Cavopulmonary Anastomosis Using Systemic To PA Shunt From Outflow Graft- A Novel Approach

Joseph Philip, MD; Dalia Lopez-Colon, PhD; Desiree Machado, MD; Michael Tsifansky, MD; Giri Kaliki, MD; Renata Shih, MD; Biagio A. Pietra, MD; Frederick Jay Fricker, MD; Mark S. Bleiweis, MD

University of Florida, Department of Pediatrics, Congenital Heart Center, Shands Children’s Hospital, Gainesville, Florida

A18 Post-Transplant Outcomes For Congenital Heart Disease Patients Bridged To Transplant With Ventricular Assist Devices

Raheel Rizwan1, Chet Villa1, Farhan Zafar1, Dennis Wells2, Roosevelt Bryant III1, Clifford Chin1, Angela Lorts1, David Louis Simon Morales1

1The Heart Institute, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH; 2Department of Thoracic Surgery, University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH

A19 Surgical Ligation Of Patent Ductus Arteriosus: Still A Safe And Beneficial Therapy In Preterm Newborns

Lehenbauer, David1; Fraser, Charles D III1; Hibino, Naru1; Aucott, Susan2; Grimm, Joshua1; Crawford, Todd1; Patel, Nishant1; Magruder, Trent1; Cameron, Duke E. 1; Vricella, Luca1

Divisions of Cardiac Surgery1 and Neonatology2 The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

A20 Repair Of Isolated Left Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage Via Left Posterolateral Thoracotomy

Awais Ashfaq MD1, Natalie Mccormick RN, BSN2, Ross Bremner MD, PhD3, Michael Smith MD3, Robert Puntel MD4, John J. Nigro MD2

1Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZ, 2Department of Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, AZ, 3Norton Thoracic Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ, 4Department of Cardiology, Phoenix, AZ

A21 The Impact Of DiGeorge Syndrome On Early And Late Outcomes Of Surgical Repair Of Conotruncal Cardiac Anomalies

Bahaaldin Alsoufi, Kirk Kanter, Subhadra Shashidharan, Brian Kogon

Emory University School of Medicine

A22 Evaluation Of A Fluid Management Protocol In Reducing Recurrent Pleural Effusions In Fontan Patients

Henry Yong-il Kwon BHSc1, Igor Bondarenko MD2, Ralph E Delius MD1, 2, Henry L Walters III, MD1, 2

1Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI; 2Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI

Concluding Remarks

Carl L. Backer, MD, Chicago IL

CHSS President, 2016 – 2018