Whether you support OpHeart with your time, talents, or treasure, it is the reason that we continue to exist.
What can you do to support improving the odds and quality of life for families with babies born with life-threatening heart defects?

We run on a shoe-string budget, and use as much of our funds as possible to directly finance our mission. If you have talents in any of the following areas, we would love to hear from you:
- Graphic design (for paper marketing materials)
- Accounting
- Social media management
- Segmentation of 2D MRI/CT data for 3D modeling
- Catering for our fundraising events

It may be the easiest of all three, but the donation of dollars is what ultimately allows us to pursue our mission of improving the odds and outcomes for children born with a life-threatening heart defect.

3D Printing Pledge
Your donations pay for the printing of models for surgeons to better plan for children’s open-heart surgeries.

Prenatal Detection
It funds prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart defects, which place families and babies in the best position for successful outcomes.
All donations, regardless of size, are very appreciated. If you can afford to give every month, recurring donations are incredibly helpful. And for those that can donate $75 or more a month, you will get two complimentary tickets to our annua gala.
Also, your or your spouse’s employer may match your donations to OpHeart.
If you have the means for a significant financial contribution, we would be delighted to discuss an appropriate way to commemorate your generosity. There are many ways to honor your largesse, and it would be an honor to work with you to determine how to direct your donation.
Please contact our Executive Director Anne Garcia directly at 832-491-8155 or anne@opheart.org.