Why Getting to the Right Pediatric Cardiac Team Matters

Currently, patients have great difficulties identifying specialists when they are diagnosed with a life-threatening condition.

The inability to identify and access appropriate specialists in a timely manner has real consequences.

  • Low-volume surgical centers correlate with lower outcomes, includes higher mortality and morbidity rates, than high-volume centers.
  • As of 2009, about 45,000 deaths occur every year in the United States as a result of a lack of or inadequate access to healthcare.
  • “Substandard care leads to 260 premature deaths of African Americans each day.”
  • 20% of Americans live in rural areas, but only 10% of doctors practice in these areas. Difficulty in accessing healthcare, including referrals to specialists result in “higher morbidity and mortality rates” compared to those of their urban counterparts.
  • The longer a patient must wait to be seen by a specialist, the more likely he is to die.
  • Limited access to specialty services may lead to poorer outcomes among the underinsured, medically underserved poor.